The Heavy Eyes: Maera Review
The Heavy Eyes are set to roll out the follow-up to their self-titled debut with Maera, a joy ride from start to finish. Keeping good on their roots of Memphis rhythm and blues, the band scratch and claw their way for the distortion pedal, as they crank the amp up to eleven. None may phrase it better than the band, who call themselves “psychedelic blues rock…similar to a skeleton driving a speed boat on a flaming Mississippi River headed back to 1969.”
[Disclaimer] Head trauma may result from excessive head banging.
Maera brings forth the same noise its predecessor featured, now boasting a tighter sound and mechanics. This propels the band into their next phase of recognition on the grand industry stage. The album delivers heavy hitting foot-stompers like “Maggie” and “Goodnight.” The vocals are tight and offer a powerful complement to each song’s progression. On “These Men Are Wolves” and “The Times” the band start a slow build into what becomes some heavy yet orderly chaos, like an imploding skyscraper set for demolition. “Abbe Pharia” opens with a lick sure to make Jimmy Page proud. Presumably homage to the late pioneer in hypnotism, the song’s hard riffs knock you for one hell of a ride. Come to think of it, they may be on to something there. Crank this puppy up, tune out the world and allow the mystical trance of the music to overcome your mind and soul. You are now one with your radio.
The unfiltered, unabated sound pouring from the amps of The Heavy Eyes are certain to catch an ear or two. The band generates such fuzzy ferocity, bursting with all the energy and raw emotion one could plausibly stuff between four studio walls. Tripp Shumake, Wally Anderson and Eric Garcia rattle the foundations of the path they walk, giving Tennessee yet another reason to flash its impressive resume soaked with the blues.
The Review: 8.5/10
Can’t Miss Tracks
– Goodnight
– Abbe Pharia
– One Hand On The Buffalo
– Maggie
– Lately
– Levantado
The Big Hit
– Goodnight
[audio:]Review by Don Tice