
Stevie Nimmo: Sky Won’t Fall Review

Stevie Nimmo delivers a clear candidate for album of the year with his second solo release, Sky Won’t Fall. With ten tracks that feature his songwriting skills, there is country, rock, and blues scattered throughout this album and it is all done exceptionally. “I wanted Sky Won’t Fall to have as broad a musical spectrum as possible, to showcase a bit of every side of my song writing. So it really is a good representation of what I do.”

Wayne Procter from King King does a superb job of producing this album and clearly captures the chemistry of the band featuring Craig Bacon on Drums & Matt Beable on Bass. “Chains of Hope” quickly sets the tone for this album as it opens up and smacks you right in the face with a squeal of feedback when the amp is tuned on followed by an anthemic guitar riff that hooks you right away. Things transition smoothly into “Roll The Dice Again” where Stevie lays down another memorable riff that propels the song along some cool wha-wha pedal work. It’s not all blues rock though and a surprising tenderness is evidenced in his voice for the love song “Change” followed by the soulful “Running On Back To You.”

With a country music influenced sound, “Walk the Thin Line” is a slice of Americana delivered in first rate fashion by the Scotsman’s lyrical guitar work.  Some heavy Zep worthy guitar on “Still Hungry” delivers a simply down and dirty hard rock blues.  “Gambler’s Roll” is the closest thing to a traditional blues track on this album and it evokes a late night in a casino surrounded by cigarette smoke and desperation. The mood lightens up with the bounce of “Lovin’ Might Do Us Good and then the acoustic “Love You More Tonight” closes things out.

Stevie delivers an album that showcases everything that we’ve come to expect from both of The Nimmo Brothers. From the opening crunch of the first track to the Americana influenced middle and all the way through to the acoustic closer this album features everything that makes Stevie one of the premier blues rock artists in Great Britain. There simply is not a bad track on this release and the musicianship by all involved is superb.

The Review: 9/10

Can’t Miss Tracks

– Chains Of Hope
– Change
– Still Hungry
– Walk the Thin Line

The Big Hit

– Still Hungry

Review by Kevin O’Rourke

Buy the album: Amazon

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