
Larkin Poe: Peach Review

Larkin Poe stuns with its latest album Peach. The sisters that make up the band, Rebecca and Megan Lovell, infuse high level production, intoxicating melodies, meaningful and clever lyrics, and Americana roots to create a truly unforgettable album.

“Come On In My Kitchen” kicks off with hummed vocal runs over a simple guitar driven chord pattern. These hums are so intricate, flexible, and under great control, that they become a part of the instrumentation, blending with perfection. Despite the accuracy and beauty that these opening lines have, there is great personality. Technicalities were not at the expense of feeling. This rather short tune closes, and gives the impression that this album will be a skillful, yet genre focused roots album. While elements of this are true, that is certainly not all the listener will be given over the course of the next songs.

“Freedom” begins as any other dark roots tune might, and then very quickly shocks. Larkin Poe utilizes modern electronic sounds found in most other genres.  An inhuman electronic drum kit and processed vocal harmonies rest over familiar and natural instrumentation, keeping one foot in the old, and another in the new.

The album continues with this juxtaposition. These writers pull from their varied toolbox at will and with mastery to create seamless yet unexpected song choices. “Look Away” has perfect examples of surprise. Chord progressions move from a dark place to a bright major one. Where this song ends is a completely different place than where it began, and it has you wondering how you got there. This tune also masterfully includes two main lyrical refrains, “look away” and “who gonna rise”. The variation keeps the ear engaged.

In addition to be generally strong lyrically throughout Peach, Larkin Poe is particularly skilled at powerful opening lyrical lines that are vague enough to be intriguing, yet specific enough to give away some story. The line, “You ain’t gonna see it comin, I’m gonna tie you up” in the opening of “Wanted Woman” lays down a visceral and intense action immediately.

Peach is a bold album written by brave songwriters who trust their abilities and instincts. The Lovells seem to take the best of everything they like and put it together to make something truly beautiful and unique.

The Review 9.5/10

Can’t Miss Tracks

– Come On In My Kitchen
– Look Away
– Preachin Blues
– John The Revelator

The Big Hit

– Freedom

Review by Alexandra Veltri

Buy the album: Amazon | Amazon UK

2 thoughts on “Larkin Poe: Peach Review

  • From the moment I stumble across these two sister, I have been intoxicated by their weaving melodies and harmonies, complicated rhythms and transitions. Like Ulysses and his Sirens, I am too am charmed.


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