
Eric Clapton reveals title of expected 2024 studio album

In a new interview with The Real Music Observer, Eric Clapton revealed details from his next album. “I’ve been working on that with my partner Simon Climie for the last three years and it’s called Meanwhile,” Clapton said in the interview.

When asked about a release date, Clapton replied, “Probably in the autumn I would think.”

Clapton said, “It will consist of all the songs we’ve already put out like “Heart of a Child” and “Pompous Fool” and all these sort of slightly political comments mixed up with songs that are just songs.”

Prior to releasing Meanwhile, Clapton is set to release To Save A Child: An Intimate Live Concert on CD, vinyl, and Blu Ray on July 12th.

Watch the interview below where Clapton discusses the new album and other topics.

Clapton is currently touring the UK and Europe. The 79-year-old will also tour South America, Mexico, and the United States in the fall.

(Photo: Kevin Winter/Getty Images for Eric Clapton’s Crossroads Guitar Festival)

Pete Francis

Pete Francis is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Blues Rock Review. Pete founded Blues Rock Review in 2010 because he felt there was a major void in how the blues rock genre was covered. Pete is the host of Blues Rock Weekly and a co-host on the Blues Rock Show.

2 thoughts on “Eric Clapton reveals title of expected 2024 studio album

  • Great interview. Always interesting. Check out a couple he has done before, worth your time .

    • Yes, very interesting ! This interview is a welcome departure from the typical nonsense of present day.
      Appreciated EC’s engaging thoughts.


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