
What Was It Like To See Jimi Hendrix Live?

What was it like to see Jimi Hendrix perform live? Blues Rock Review’s Bob Gersztyn saw Hendrix perform live in the 1960s and reveals what it was like in this Blues Rock Show highlight video.

2 thoughts on “What Was It Like To See Jimi Hendrix Live?

  • HI Guys …. My name is Wilson H. Nixon…. I to and a buddy saw Jimi in February 1968 in Toronto, Ontario… He had only just arrived for the first time as the ” Jimi Hendrix Experience ” back in N. America two nights before when he played Montreal, Quebec… He played in Toronto at ” The Coliseum ” a 5000 person maximum old building that normally was used for annual prize horse shows… The tickets were General Admission and cost $2.75 each…

    We had to run like the wind when they finally opened the doors to get to the four foot high stage but we got 2nd row center seats ….The make- shift setup had the same spartan wooden seats that all public schools used to have in their gyms & auditoriums back then… The opening two acts were ” the American group ” Soft Machine ” and a hot local Toronto act called the ” Paupers “… Skip Prokop was the drummer of the band who went on to form the group ” Lighthouse ” …

    I still have the poster of the concert from that night I took off the wall after the show and one up close and personal good photo of Jimi I took on my Kodak Instamatic camera which was the inexpensive technology of the day prior to 35mm… I blew it up and along with the now framed poster are both over my bar along with other close up photos of several other big acts of the day like CCR ( 2 times ), Led Zeppelin ( 3 times ), Procal Harum, Zombies, Vanilla Fudge etc. etc. I saw Jimi again in 69 when he returned to Toronto ( he got busted at TO. airport earlier in the day ) when he played at the sold out Maple Leaf Gardens, a 18K seat venue this time… By that point he was a more than bona fide international star with his first three all ground breaking albums out under his belt….

    I just wanted to say the gentleman you interviewed that saw Jimi in Detroit ( he said in 68 ) had at least a couple glaring facts wrong and/or mixed up … Noel Redding was never in the group ” Cat Mother and the All Night News Boys ” though that band did open for Hendrix on that same 1969 tour that i saw… Redding’s band he formed initially as a side project in 68 was called ” Fat Mattress “…

    To ” experience ” Jimi up so close back then was nothing short of sheer magic & astonishment !!…. I just wanted you fellows to get a short other perspective from someone else who had been in his masterful musical presence and was blown away by the power and jaw dropping magnetism of his performance skills… I was going to attach a couple photos but apparently this isn’t the avenue to do that …. Nonetheless, thanks for reading my Jimi ditty and I wish you well in 2021…. Best Regards … Wilson H. Nixon… Ancaster, Ontario Canada

  • I was at that concert. It was great till the police stopped it if my memory serves me well.


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