
The Reverend Shawn Amos: Blue Sky Review

The Reverend Shawn Amos groups up with The Brotherhood for an exciting new album, Blue Sky. A long-time blues expert and songwriter, Amos’s newest release is a testament to his talents as a musician and entertainer. 

Beginning with surprising MIDI electrobeats, Blue Sky opens with “Stranger than Today,” a sweet and wistful track with fantastic touches of percussion and unique instrumental solos that compliment the relaxed tone of the song. Amos eases listeners into the album with a soothing voice that is echoed quietly. The fourth track on the album, “Counting Down the Days” also starts with a strong electronic sound from guitar and percussion. Amos’s voice shifts to fit an energetic and gritty rock sound. With more passive instrumentals, Amos’s voice powerfully drives this song’s dynamics along with a chorus that sings an eerie, echoing melody. The screechy guitar solo fits perfectly into the song, matching Amos’s vocal energy. In contrast to this song is “The Pity and the Pain,” an emotional and soulful song with fluttering guitar paired with dreamy keyboard melodies. But Amos is also able to pull off lighthearted songs like “27 Dollars,” an old school track with a 50s vibe and brassy touches, as well as the album’s closing track, “Keep the Faith, Have Some Fun,” a casual song with a playful call and response section. 

All in all, Blue Sky showcases Amo’s range as a performer and offers listeners a variety of flavors to enjoy. Amos and The Brotherhood have crafted an album that is contemporary, diverse, and has a little bit of something for everyone. 

The Review: 9/10

Can’t Miss Tracks

– Stranger Than Today
– Counting Down the Days
– The Pity and the Pain
– 27 Dollars
– Keep the Faith, Have Some Fun 

The Big Hit

– Counting Down the Days

Review by Sabrina Tian

Buy the album: Amazon | Amazon UK


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