
Sass Jordan: Rebel Moon Blues Review

Backed by her band, the Champagne Hookers, Sass Jordan’s brand new blues album is a delightful taste of classic sound in the 21st century. Long-time and world-renowned rock singer, Jordan has been greatly influenced by blues growing up and has incorporated aspects of the genre into the work of her 40-year career. Rebel Moon Blues is Jordan’s first blues album and one to impress. 

The album kicks off with “Leaving Trunk,” with outstanding brassy sounds that compliment Jordan’s low, gritty voice. The overall pitch and key of the song leans on the higher side compared to the third song on the album, “Am I Wrong,” a foot tapper with a steady rhythm on drums and guitar. The catchy riffs in this song emulate the blues style wonderfully. “Palace Of The King” is similarly filled with solid guitar riffs which build up to a very open sounding chorus featuring backing vocals and a whistling lead guitar. This song is a major peak in energy for the album with its higher tempo and heavily layered instrumentals. In comparison, “Too Much Alcohol” features a lighter instrumental behind a classic blues song structure. This combination is always a joy to find in the contemporary blues rock scene where artists often load their songs with instrumentals. The minimal instrumental puts a focus on the narrative storytelling style that is so important to blues as a genre. Nonetheless, the guitar that is present is packed with punch and intensity. 

Rebel Moon Blues is a great taste of blues with a refreshingly classic sound. Jordan truly understands the genre and writes a fantastic homage to it in this exciting new album. 

The Review: 7.5/10

Can’t Miss Tracks

-Am I Wrong
-Palace of the King
-Too Much Alcohol

The Big Hit

-Palace of the King

Review by Sabrina Tian

Buy the album: Amazon | Amazon UK


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