
Most Anticipated Albums of 2020

2019 is coming to a close and now it’s time to look forward to 2020. Several major albums are scheduled to be released over the course of the next year. Here are the most anticipated albums of 2020 in the world of blues rock.

Pete Francis

Pete Francis is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Blues Rock Review. Pete founded Blues Rock Review in 2010 because he felt there was a major void in how the blues rock genre was covered. Pete is the host of Blues Rock Weekly and a co-host on the Blues Rock Show.

9 thoughts on “Most Anticipated Albums of 2020

  • I am really looking forward to Chase Walker Band album coming out in 2020. I hear they have been in the studio in Nashville working on some great new music

  • Hope King King put out a new one, they are such a great band live.

    • John Verity will be releasing a new album in Spring 2020 to coincide with his 50th Anniversary tour. John is currently in the studio recording the tracks; other musicians who will feature include Liam James Gray(drums)and Roger Inniss and Bob Skeat(bass).

    • New King King album due out in March 2020. Confirmed by the band over the weekend.

  • TINSLEY ELLIS in January and Albert Cummings in February

  • I Really Looking forward to Rue followup album for Regnmanden by Johnny Madsen and the fabolous guitarist Knud Møller

  • Looking forward to move news on Philip Sayce

  • One word x two: King King!

  • Oli Brown 1st new album since Here I Am (2012)


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