
GA-20: Lonely Soul Review

Formed in 2018 by Matthew Stubbs and Pat Faherty, GA-20 is a young and fresh band based in Boston, Massachusetts. Their latest release, Lonely Soul, demonstrates their love and dedication to the golden age of blues and rock of the 1950s and 1960s. The entirety of the album maintains a nostalgic sound while remaining original and entertaining. 

Opening with “Naggin’ On My Mind,” Faherty grabs the attention of listeners with a growly voice and old school vibe, setting the mood for the rest of the album. The third track, “One Night Man,” sounds fairly reminiscent of classic rock n’ roll, but the unique guitar and lighter drum rhythms give it a modernized feel. The song’s key point is the laid back instrumental that is lead by a catchy and repetitive vocal melody. “Happy Today” is the album’s fifth track, written in twelve bar blues, another very classic sound. The song, however, feels more light hearted than the average blues song, perhaps because of the use of a very tropical-sounding guitar solo that keeps the instrumental from becoming too heavy or slow. Even until the end, Lonely Soul is exciting. The last song on the album is the title track and it is perhaps the most dynamic of them all. A very upbeat song to end with, “Lonely Soul” incorporates catchy rhymes with syncopated guitar to get your foot tapping. Despite the implication of the title, the song is a great dance song with bright guitar and fast paced rhythms. 

Lonely Soul takes listeners back to the good old days without detaching completely from modern trends. The album is perfect for fans who want to relive the past or for younger listeners who want to get a taste of music of past generations. GA-20’s agenda to revive the past is surely one to watch. 

The Review: 8/10

Can’t Miss Tracks

– One Night Man
– Happy Today
– Lonely Soul

The Big Hit

– Lonely Soul

Review by Sabrina Tian

Buy the album: Amazon | Amazon UK

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