
Album Releases: October 2017

October’s Album Releases video features new albums from King King, Supersonic Blues Machine, Jared James Nichols, Laurence Jones, and Alastair Greene.

King King: Exile and Grace (Buy the album: Amazon | Amazon UK)
Supersonic Blues Machine: Californisoul (Buy the album: Amazon | Amazon UK)
Jared James Nichols: Black Magic (Buy the album: Amazon | Amazon UK)
Laurence Jones: The Truth (Buy the album: Amazon | Amazon UK)
Alastair Greene: Dream Train (Buy the album: Amazon | Amazon UK)

King King interview: Alan Nimmo
Jared James Nichols interview on Route 66

Pete Francis

Pete Francis is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Blues Rock Review. Pete founded Blues Rock Review in 2010 because he felt there was a major void in how the blues rock genre was covered. Pete is the host of Blues Rock Weekly and a co-host on the Blues Rock Show.

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