
Dan Patlansky: 20 Stones Review

On his latest studio effort, Dan Patlansky delivers a seriously fierce, fiery representation of his take on old-school blues and early rock. It’s a 10-track musical accomplishment that is sure to leave any blues fan wanting more of his work.

The album is a strong testament to Patlansky’s talent, and a welcome addition to any blues enthusiast’s library. With Patlansky himself a producer of the album, his creative control was certainly able to flourish and produce something genuinely his.

The title track turns out to be the one that contrasts the rest of the album’s material most sharply. “20 Stones” has no words, only nearly 5 sublime minutes of intermittently brooding and blistering acoustic fingerwork. It’s a welcome intermission in the swirling vortex of vicious blues licks, and my personal favorite track from the album. It’s certainly refreshing to see an artist take a break from the expected and do something unique, and the track’s unique contribution to the album as a whole definitely pays off.

20 Stones is an album that is bound to further enamor listeners already familiar with Patlansky’s work. For those that are hearing him for the first time, it’s a great representation of why he’s considered the top blues guitarist in South Africa.

The Review: 8/10

Can’t Miss Tracks

– 20 Stones
– Call Me The Breeze
– Slap In The Face
– Cross Country Limping

The Big Hit

– Call Me The Breeze

Review by Tyler Quiring

Pete Francis

Pete Francis is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Blues Rock Review. Pete founded Blues Rock Review in 2010 because he felt there was a major void in how the blues rock genre was covered. Pete is the host of Blues Rock Weekly and a co-host on the Blues Rock Show.

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